Coffee Break

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

Hi! I’m here in Scottsdale, AZ this week filming some promo videos for Sally’s Cookie Addiction, as well as food videos for this summer, fall, AND Christmas baking season. It’s a busy week! But we’re getting ahead while we can before baby Quinn arrives. 🙂

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

Can I just say one thing about traveling when pregnant? Ok, two things. Obviously being at home in your own bed is more comfortable, BUT packing is such a breeze!! All I’m wearing these days are maternity sundresses and sandals, so my clothing options are majorly limited. I packed in only about 6 minutes and my suitcase weighs next to nothing. And this is coming from someone who spends an entire day packing and notoriously overpacks, even cramming more of my crap into Kevin’s suitcase. Why do I need 12 outfits for 4 days? Will I change 3x per day? Do I ever change 3x per day? What is wrong with me?

PS: this is totally not sponsored in any way, but I LOVE pink blush maternity dresses.

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

Here’s hoping you’ve checked out the frosting section on my site– I just added this go-to chocolate buttercream! In the notes, you can see how I adapt it to frost layer cakes.

Do you have any frosting requests? Let me know!

Speaking of frosting! Did you catch this rainbow piñata cake I created for Allrecipes the other week? I had fun using a new-to-me piping tip: ateco 30. I mentioned this on Insta the other day, but I really encourage you to get out and start practicing piping. That is, of course, if it intimidates you. If you want to begin creating lovely decorated cakes and cupcakes, all you have to do is begin practicing. That’s simply all I did! I’ve never taken any classes. Rather, I just bought a bunch of piping tips (these 5 are my fave!) and started going at it.

By the way, this would be such a fun gender reveal cake. ↓

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

As the weather heats up, cool treats are on the agenda. Even better if they’re healthy. And delicious. And pink. This concoction was simply 2 frozen bananas (peel, slice, freeze) + handful frozen strawberries + handful fresh raspberries + almond milk to thin out as needed. Tasted unbelievably refreshing but more importantly: it’s HOT PINK. 

Those little thingys on the left are some lightly sweetened and crunchy coconut chip things I got at Wegmans. Yum!


If you’re more into green smoothies, here is a super thick green smoothie bowl that doesn’t taste like veggies! Let’s see… there’s pineapple, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt. Coconut water too. Sorta similar to my glowing skin smoothie.

I received a few questions about the cherry pitter I use since I mentioned it last week– here it is. So easy. However some of you have told me about cherry pitters that can pit 4-5 cherries at a time?! So cool.

Need an excuse for a cherry pitter? Make cherry pie.

 AZ this week filming some promo videos for  Coffee Break

 Other than that, I’m just cruising along trying to find a balance between getting ahead on work and finding time to kick my feet up. It will be one busy summer! Hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!

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