Coming This September

Kevin and I feel immensely blessed and are eternally grateful to share this incredible new Coming This September

Kevin and I feel immensely blessed and are eternally grateful to share this incredible news with you. In addition to the release of my 3rd cookbook, we’re having a baby this September!

Kevin and I feel immensely blessed and are eternally grateful to share this incredible new Coming This September

The journey to this miracle has been a melting pot of emotions. Not many women talk about this out in the open, but I want to take a moment to offer hope to women and families who have experienced pregnancy losses. There is light beyond the darkness and a shred of hope after heartbreak.

I’m 18 weeks along– I feel healthy and strong. I don’t exactly look about 5 months pregnant yet (totally pushing out my belly here!), but I certainly feel it. My appetite hasn’t changed much though all I seem to crave is salt on top of salt. Sleeping has been difficult, but I just got a snoogle so hopefully that helps!

I’ve been waiting so long to tell you and am full of gratitude to be at this stage. The truth is, I felt overwhelmingly emotional and anxious in my first trimester (not to mention nauseous and exhausted from book writing and hormones) that I was a walking basket case. Probably a good thing I hibernated all winter with my cookie manuscript and 10,000 cookies. Maternity yoga pants, you’ve been a gem.

Kevin and I feel immensely blessed and are eternally grateful to share this incredible new Coming This September

We’re finding out the sex soon, but are keeping it a surprise. Thank you for sharing this special time with us as we focus on welcoming our 1st bundle of joy!

Real quick: In case any of you mamas are expecting too, here are some clothes I’ve been loving lately. I felt overwhelmed and completely lost when I was shopping, so I spent a lot of time reading reviews online about the best maternity activewear.


  • Active maternity cropped leggings – expensive but comfortable, breathable, supportive, and flattering. I run in these, bought 2 pairs in my pre-pregnancy size, love them.

  • Flowy workout tanks – these are NOT maternity but they are extremely breathable, long, and flowy. I bought 1 size up and have plenty of room as my belly grows.

  • Maternity yoga pants – super inexpensive, I bought 3 pairs in my pre-pregnancy size, and I wear them every day when I’m at home or even running errands. I’m wearing them right now! Comfy for lounging, supportive for out and about.

And PS: already prepping fall and holiday content for my blog. Send recipe ideas and suggestions as I plan my Q4 editorial calendar!

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