
Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction!

Everyone, meet Franklin.

Kevin and I rescued this little guy a couple weeks ago– and I’ve been dying to spill the beans about him. But first must come a slew of cute puppy photos followed by even more mama snuggles. Of course.

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin

We’ve been wanting a 2nd dog for over a year now, but this past month felt like the right time to adopt. Jude is extremely territorial in our current house, but not too familiar with our new house just yet. After talking to our vet about 500 times, we decided moving into a new home where Jude may be a little more welcoming is the best time to add a 4th family member.

I went searching and that’s when I found our Franklin. (Previously named Martin. I like Franklin better. Like a complete weirdo, I’ve been thinking of a new puppy name for about 2 years. I’d tell you I’m a crazy dog mom, but something tells me you’ve already figured that out by now…? Franklin just seems much more fitting for this stud muffin!!!) Franklin came from Bourbon County Rescue. He’s a shepherd/rottie mix, about 12 weeks old. We’re told his mama was found wandering down a deserted country road this past February, possibly looking for a place to have her puppies.

When we first met Franklin, Kevin picked him right up, I was uncontrollably using my dog voice/melting into a love puddle, then Franklin let out this huge sigh and just melted into our arms. Like, ahhhh. Home sweet home. ♥

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin

Franklin is a whopping 13 lbs, exactly 100 less than his giant redheaded big bro.

The two of them together? Well, it’s interesting. I researched it like a psycho and obviously called our vet another 500 times about the behavior between the two. It’s only been a couple weeks, so they definitely aren’t friends yet. Franklin follows Jude everywhere, while Jude just ignores him like the diva he usually is.

Just like this, actually.

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin

Still smiling, though. Always smiling.

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin

Franklin is a determined little guy! His body moves quicker than his legs so when he tries to run, he just stumbles all over the place. He loves discovering new things and is very thoughtful and generous, often bringing me wet leaves and pieces of mulch when I call his name outside. Franklin also loves to cuddle and will let you know he’s sleeping when he begins to snore like an old man.

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin

Nicknames for Franklin: Benjamin Franklin, Frankie, Franklinstein, Frances…

That last one is only for when he’s being fancy.

I’m over the moon with Franklin and when I asked you about fun dog-friendly birthday activities, I secretly meant friendly for TWO dogs! I’m excited to unveil Franklin on Jude’s instagram account (I understand how weird I am) and I’ll happily share mountains of Franklin photos with you on the regular.

Until then, here’s one more. 🙂

Stepping out of the kitchen today so a new family member can have his formal introduction Franklin


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