Pritikin Longevity Institute's 35th Anniversary Blogger Contest...

This is my official entry in the Pritikin Longevity Institute's 35th Anniversary Blogger Contest. One blogger will be selected to attend Pritikin's official 35th Anniversary celebration at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami next month.

I was recently invited to take part in the Pritikin Longevity Center's 35th Anniversary Blogger Contest. If you're not familiar with Pritikin, they focus on healthy living via a three-pronged approach focused on healthy eatingcardiovascular, strength, and stretching activity; and a healthy mindset. I really like that their approach is holistic and focuses on health rather than a quick-fix approach to weight loss. For my entry, I'm sharing a health goal that I want to reach by 2015. it goes for all of the Internet to see: My health goal for 2015 is to lose 30 lbs. and lower my cholesterol under 200. Because of the nature of what I do via , this is going to be a challenge...but it's one that I know must be done. I'm closing in on 50 in a couple of years (not sure how THAT happened...), and maintaining a healthy weight is suddenly about more than rocking a bikini. It's about staying healthy and living a longer life. I'm hoping that a weekend stay at the Pritikin Longevity Center will be the catalyst to make some changes in my health...and my waistline.

I love having a food blog...which started because of my love of good food and wine. I freely admit that being a food writer has a lot of great perks. I receive samples of food products several times a week, and we're often invited to visit fabulous restaurants for menu tastings. This is great fun...but it has had one negative aspect that I don't write about much in here: weight gain. True confession time: I've gained 30 lbs. since starting in 2010...or about 10 pounds per year (yikes!)...and the extra pounds definitely show when I take photographs. If I keep it up at that's not going to be pretty. I don't want to buy clothes another size larger, so I have to do something pronto. I'm hoping that Pritikin can be the spark that I need to make some much-needed changes. I need to find balance in my life. Between a busy day job and running an ever-growing blog? Sometimes exercise and taking time to focus on me fall by the wayside. I want to learn to balance my time so I can provide great content here...while finding time to go for a 30-minute evening walk. I want to enjoy the perks of being a food writer...but in a responsible way that allows me to steadily lose weight. 

Deprivation simply will not work for Pritikin's moderate, healthy approach really appeals to me! If I'm selected as the winner in this contest, I'll receive a weekend at the exclusive Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami. While there, I would take part in the weekend's official 35th anniversary celebration. I'd also take part in fitness classes, and interactive nutrition and cooking classes. I think this weekend would be the jumpstart that I need to meet my health goal. Exercise and healthy eating will definitely help me lose weight and lower my cholesterol to a healthier level. If I am selected by Pritikin, I'll share the experience in here...and keep everyone updated on my progress throughout the rest of the year. To find out more about Pritikin and its program, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.

Disclosure: I was invited to participate in Pritikin Longevity Center's 35th Anniversary Blogger Contest. All opinions expressed are my own. 

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