Welcome to 's New Look!

Happy Saturday, friends...and it's a three-day weekend at that! I'm so excited to officially unveil a brand new look to ! I've been working behind the scenes with Jenn, the fabulous designer at Munchkin Land Designs, the past few weeks. I wanted to refresh the design this website to make things more user-friendly for my readers. Since I love my logo and signature red color, we incorporated both of those elements into the new design for a bit of familiarity and continuity. I'm really excited about the changes we incorporated! We worked together with the goal of ensuring a positive reading experience for my visitors, whether it's your first time here or you've a regular reader. Here are some of the new features you might want to check out:

(1) One Pin It button per post, instead of the plug-in I had previously installed that had a Pin It next to every single picture. This change will make posts streamlined. All social media, print properties, and Pin It are now located at the bottom of every post.

(2) New easy-to-use social media icons located at the top of the right banner of the page. This will allow you to easily follow me via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Also at the top are ways for you to subscribe to via e-mail and search for recipes. Again, this was to make things streamlined and efficient. 

(3) I have switched to the Disqus comments system. I like the way that it allows for interaction between readers and the author. I'm hoping that this comments system will allow for increased, simpler communication between me and my readers.

(4) I have added an enhanced Recipe Index. Under each category, you will find direct links to recipes that have been labeled for that category. Hopefully this will help streamline the search process if you're looking for a specific type of recipe. I love that readers can now see the name of each recipe and click a simple link to go directly to the original post. 

My main goal for this blog is to provide great content and make it easy for readers to get what they need. We're all busy, so if I can make the reader experience as efficient as possible? It's a win-win for both of us! I hope you like the changes that you see. Give them a try, and let me know what you think! If you want to spruce up your website's look? Definitely get in touch with Jenn. She's easy to work with, does great work, and has very reasonable prices! 

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