Amped-Up Chicken Salad Phyllo Cups...Featuring Intensity Academy and Gourmet Garden Products #TripleSBites

I'm excited to share that I'm taking part in a very special Valentine's-themed blog event over the next week! #TripleSBites features 20 talented bloggers sharing our favorite Spicy, Saucy, and Sexy recipes that are guaranteed to tantalize the tastebuds of you and your significant other! Our fabulous hostess for the event is Camilla from Culinary Adventures with Camilla. We're working with a great group of sponsors to create dishes meant to provide a romantic atmosphere for your Valentine's celebration. I hate dealing with the crowds at restaurants for Valentine's -- definitely a romance buzzkill! Instead, this year I'm planning an at-home celebration featuring appetizers, champagne, and decadent homemade brownies. I'll be sharing all of the recipes from my menu with you over the next week. I'm kicking things off the fun with my easy-to-make Amped-Up Chicken Salad Phyllo Bites!
The sweet and spicy chicken salad filling can be made up to a day ahead of time so you don't spend all of Valentine's evening in the kitchen. To keep things easy, the elegant phyllo shells are from the freezer section of the grocery store. My flavorful chicken salad features two of our #TripleSBites sponsors: Intensity Academy Gourmet Sauces and Gourmet Gardens herbs. My chicken salad is flavored with Intensity Academy's amazing sweetly spicy Saucy Everything mayo and Gourmet Garden's tubed ginger and lightly dried parsley. Both of the products allowed me to assemble my chicken salad in about 10 minutes -- and a roasted deli chicken saved me tons of time too! These elegant bites taste like you spent hours preparing them, but they literally come together in about 5 minutes once the chicken salad is assembled. This appetizer is sure to put the ooh-la-la into your Valentine's celebration!

Amped-Up Chicken Salad Phyllo Bites
a Weekend Gourmet original
Ingredients (makes 1 dozen bites):
  • 1.5 cups chopped cooked chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup Intensity Academy Saucy Everything sauce
  • 1 tsp. Gourmet Garden tubed ginger
  • 1 tbs. Gourmet Garden lightly dried parsley
  • 1 celery stalk, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup sweet yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup dried apples, finely chopped
  • 1/3 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 dozen frozen phyllo cups, thawed and crisped in the oven
  • For garnish: Gourmet Garden lightly dried parsley
Step 1: Add the Sauce Everything, ginger, parsley, celery, onion, dried apples, and pecans to a mixing bowl. Stir well to combine. Add the chopped chicken breast and stir to completely combine the ingredients and evenly coat with the flavorful dressing. Refrigerate until you're ready to assemble the appetizers.
Step 2: When you're ready to serve, crispy the phyllo cups according to package directions. Spoon some of the chilled chicken salad into the cups, mounding it on top. Sprinkle with the Gourmet Garden lightly dried parsley and place the bites on a Valentine's plate. Serve immediately.
These elegant phyllo cups are very tasty! The crispy phyllo shell holds the creamy chicken salad perfectly. The chicken salad is sweet and lightly spicy, with a nice variety of textures. The combination of ginger and dried apples works very nicely with the slightly sweet Saucy Everything, and the Gourmet Garden parsley sprinkled on top provides both flavor and eye appeal. These appetizers pair especially well with a sweet sparkling moscato. Be sure to check out all of the amazing recipes that rest of the #TripleSBites participants are sharing today...they're guaranteed to set the mood for a romantic Valentine's celebration!

I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to our amazing #TripleSBites event sponsors! They each graciously donated prizes for our reader giveaways and provided product samples to participating bloggers. Please take a moment to click the links below to visit their websites and learn more about these amazing companies! We're offering a fabulous reader giveaway for this week's event. There's a wide range of amazing prize packages, which are described in detail in the Rafflecopter below. All the information you need to enter is included -- and there's tons of ways to enter to earn multiple entries.

Our Sponsors:

The Giveaway 
Terms & Conditions
Mandatory Entry: Leave a Comment below telling me: What's your favorite romantic dish to cook for your sweetheart? There are many more ways to enter in the Rafflecopter below. Please click on the arrows in the Rafflecopter to scroll through the prize packages!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to residents of the United States only, age 18 and older. This #TripleSBites 2015 giveaway runs from Monday, February 2, 2015 12:00am PT through Monday, February 9, 2015 at 6:00pm PT. Winners will be randomly chosen and announced on February 10, 2015. Winners will also be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond to the email. If a winner does not respond in that time a new winner will be chosen. For more information, see the full terms and conditions in the Rafflecopter widget.

Disclaimer: All prize packages were provided free of charge. Participating bloggers received complimentary product(s) for their #TripleSBites posts. All opinions stated are my own.

Good luck...and be sure to come back Wednesday for a fabulous pesto meatball appetizer recipe!! They meatballs are flavored with pesto and stuffed with fresh mozzarella before baking. The result is a pocket of melted cheese when you and your sweetie take a bite!

Disclosure: I received samples of Not Ketchup and Gourmet Gardens to develop the recipe featured in this post. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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