Saturday Seven

Finishing out this week with a mother load of baked goods Saturday Seven

Finishing out this week with a mother load of baked goods. I spent 9 hours in the kitchen yesterday which was wayyy longer than I anticipated. (I also went to bed at the embarrassing hour of 7pm.) I mostly worked on Pie Week 2.0– remember pie week from November last year? 5 pie recipes in a row? Get ready for it all over again!

I had a lot of fun showing you how to make checkerboard cake (August Baking Challenge!) on Facebook and Insta LIVE on Wednesday. Did you catch it? All my live videos are saved on my Facebook page in case you miss any– under the video section. I have 15 now! I’ll probably stop in the next few weeks because I move at the pace of a slug and feel like an elephant wearing an apron. Maybe pick up again for the holidays!

Ok let’s get into it! I haven’t checked in with you on a Saturday in awhile, so lots of fun stuff!

1) Up above? My peanut butter M&M cookies! I made them for my friend’s birthday a couple weeks ago. It had been way too long since I baked a batch. I forgot how soft they are!

2) My sis-in-law sent this article to me. Expectant mamas… a must read. â™Ą

3) We celebrated my nephew’s 2nd birthday last weekend. We had the fam over, had the pool out for the dogs (Jude loooove chilling in it!), and I made this salmon from Becky’s blog. We LOVED it. I highly recommend!

4) I made refrigerator pickles this week with some pickling cukes from our friend’s garden. I roughly used this recipe, but threw in a ton of dill and some sweet hot peppers. We’re waiting a week or so to dig in. I’ll let you know how they turn out! Have you ever made pickles before?

5) I just bought 4 new Fall candles. Did I need them? Absolutely not. I don’t want to see summer go, but nothing nothing NOTHING compares to the smell of Fall throughout the house.

6) I receive my advance copy of Sally’s Cookie Addiction next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finishing out this week with a mother load of baked goods Saturday Seven


7) Coming up this month! Kevin’s birthday 🙂 I made an extra peanut butter pie last week and froze it, so that’s what we’ll have for dessert. Today he’s riding in a bike race, then we’ll head to dinner with some friends to celebrate. Also on tap in August: a giveaway for signed Sally’s Cookie Addiction bookplates and s’mores day on August 10th. Mark your calendars NOW.

PS: Currently brainstorming recipes to bake on LIVE next Wednesday. Maybe the striped fudge cookie sandwiches I shared this week? Any suggestions?


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