Saturday Seven

Sprinkle cookie ice cream sandwiches on sallysbakingaddiction Saturday Seven

Any fun plans this weekend? My first official weekend of summer will be spent with friends. I’ve been in the kitchen everyday this week testing new recipes and getting ahead on content and, quite frankly, I’m happy to get *out* of the kitchen for some real life fun! Today we’re headed to a big picnic and tomorrow we have all-you-can-eat brunch plans with friends. That includes all-you-can-drink mimosas or, in my case, all you can drink… orange juice.

Coming Up

Facebook LIVE events next week: Wednesday June 28th at 1pm ET & Saturday, July 1st at 1pm ET. I’m beginning a weekly baking demo at 1pm ET on Wednesdays, so mark your calendars each week! On Wednesday, we’ll make fruit pizza decked out for 4th of July and on Saturday… July’s Baking Challenge recipe! Excited to bake with you twice in 1 week. Did you miss this past week’s video? Here it is!


1) You see those ice cream sandwiches above? I have a super fun recipe coming next week, so check back!

2) I bookmarked this article this week regarding work/life balance and thought you might appreciate it too. This is something I always struggle with. However, hiring help and turning off electronics in the evening has vastly improved my mindset. (And technology-free date nights too!) I love all 5 of these steps, especially the “cut the crap” one. I LOL’d reading it, but it’s so true! Especially the part about eliminating negative self talk.

3) I’m googly eyed over this s’mores slab pie. Did you read that? S’mores. Slab. Pie.

4) I made a gazillion loaves of zucchini bread this week. It’s Kevin’s fave. I froze 2 loaves to enjoy later in the summer. Looking to lighten it up? I also have this greek yogurt chocolate zucchini bread recipe and greek yogurt zucchini bread recipe.

5) Today is the start of my 3rd trimester! I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. I feel pretty good minus some typical round ligament pain and exhaustion. In between long work days, I’ve been resting and kicking up my feet frequently. The tiredness and pain isn’t an excuse to complain; I’m just so grateful to be on this journey to motherhood. ♥

6) Thank you for all the TV show suggestions last weekend! Just started watching This Is Us on demand.

7) It’s been awhile since I snapped a really great picture of these two goons together!!

Sprinkle cookie ice cream sandwiches on sallysbakingaddiction Saturday Seven

Make it a good one!

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