Saturday Seven

Was anyone else all sorts of backwards this week Saturday Seven

Was anyone else all sorts of backwards this week? Like, what day is it? I forgot today is Saturday until like 8pm last night. And on Wednesday, I was convinced it was Monday. But no complaints here because it’s the weekend!

Do you have any fun plans this weekend? I’m visiting my parents. Remember all the scones I made in my Facebook LIVE video on Wednesday? I froze them so I could bring them along this weekend. Tonight mama’s making my favorite salmon. Also on the agenda: plenty of resting and relaxing. Regardless of the short week, I spent most of my waking hours working. I’m a month ahead on tested and photographed recipes. Getting content prepped before someone special enters our lives. â™Ą 30 weeks along now!

Let’s see, what else is new…

1) You see that chocolate concoction above? That’s a new recipe coming this Monday. You won’t believe what it is. I’m making it again next weekend for my friend’s birthday. I’m not even a huge chocolate fa-reak, but couldn’t stop “taste testing” this one. I’m excited to post it!

2) Do you make homemade dog food or dog treats for your pup(s)? I really don’t– I’m super strict about giving them human food but totally understand those of you who make homemade dog food. Occasionally, I’ll make soft peanut butter carrot dog treats and peanut butter bacon dog treats, but I kinda want to make these frozen pupcakes just because. 🙂 Also: we got them a kiddie pool. Yes, we are those people.

3) Is anyone else wondering how the heck it’s already July? Depending who you ask, realizing that the year is more than halfway over can be a little depressing. But it’s a helpful reminder to get our goals back in check. In fact, I’m calling it motivating. I’ve been revisiting a couple of my super simple resolutions like date nights, 1 new-to-us dinner recipe a week, and work/life balance– and realize a couple of them have been put on the back burner. Life gets in the way, but I’m excited to really work towards those date nights again. Where I put down my phone and all other technology and we get out and do something FUN. Especially before September arrives. Maybe a good reminder for you to!

4) Blackberry cobbler crumble, anyone? Or how about these peanut butter cookie ice cream sandwiches. And you may not think slow cookers belong on your counter in the summertime, but here are 31 reasons to change your mind.

5) I’ve gotten many questions about how I shape cookie dough before it goes into the oven. Well HERE IT IS! At :40, I shape the cookie dough into balls and create all those little lumps and bumps at the top. This creates a textured top on the baked cookie. I swear by this!

6) Zucchini and Herbed Ricotta Flatbread. I made this last summer and just remembered it. On my menu this week. And that’s my favorite flatbread dough, too. Easy!


Was anyone else all sorts of backwards this week Saturday Seven

7) Winner for last week’s cherry pie gizmo and gadget giveaway was announced and emailed. Thank you so much for entering! I love seeing all your cherry pie recipes so far for the July Baking Challenge this month. Keep emailing them to me and posting on my Facebook– also using #sallysbakingchallenge on Instagram.

Make a delicious one!

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