Saturday Seven

re taking advantage of the long weekend and are up in the Poconos Saturday Seven

We made it to another weekend! We’re taking advantage of the long weekend and are up in the Poconos. Well, actually, we’re on the drive up right now but when you read this– we’ll be there soaking up the winter-but-it-actually-feels-like-spring goodness. I needed a break from my manuscript. I’m in the homestretch. I have about 12 recipes out of 75 left, but the majority of the work on my shoulders is writing the introduction pages. I always save those for last as I review the manuscript in full and pull it all together.

But first, I had to climb out of my cookie hole and get away for a few days. The cookies above are the same cookies I shared on Instagram last weekend. It’s a new chocolate chip cookie recipe I created for Sally’s Cookie Addiction, which will be published this Fall. They’ve got these crazy crisp edges but a tender center. Right now we’re deciding on cookbook cover designs. Once the cover is finalized, I’ll have some pre-order info for you and a BONUS gift for everyone who pre-orders! More on that in several weeks so stay tuned.

Let’s rewind to this past week!

1) We were total old farts and stayed in on Valentine’s Day. We made dinner (summer rolls & peanut sauce and some leftover sweet chili chicken. so random.), watched a movie, and were in bed by 9:30. PS: here are 5 gorgeous colorful spring rolls recipes if you love them like I do!

2) I had 5 recipe fails this week, which is much more than usual. I felt completely defeated, but then I made this chocolate bundt cake with cream cheese and salted caramel. That combination just always wins!

3) Bookmarked this week: 5 creamy desserts made with avocado, dark chocolate brownies, peanut butter Oreos (homemade), perfect party frosting (so pretty!), and how adorable are these animal decorated cupcakes? The monkey!!

4) Did you watch the Grammy’s last weekend? Despite my love for both Adele and Beyonce, I was totally cheering for Lemonade to win album of the year! But both women absolutely killed it that night with their performances, immense talent, and class.

5) I brought my book on vacation this weekend– 19 Minutes. You were right, I never want to put it down! I still have all of your suggestions for my next book in 2017, but here’s a list of 7 discussion-worthy books to read if you need some inspo for your next read, especially if you’re in a book club. And here are 6 more!

6) What are some lifestyle/inspiration blogs or websites you follow? Looking to expand my online reading from mostly food and photography to reads that nourish the mind and soul!

7) New video for salted caramel dark chocolate cookies!

I have a healthier recipe coming on Monday!! It’s been too long. Have a great one!

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