Saturday Seven

 different flavors and varieties of cookies Saturday Seven

What are you up to this weekend? And what are you baking??

This weekend I’m working on 3 new-to-me cookie recipes for Sally’s Cookie Addiction cookbook (will be published in the Fall)3 different flavors and varieties of cookies: lemon, pistachio, and a coffee-ish flavored cookie. Normally I test recipes 3x before they make it to the blog. With cookbook recipes, I’m a little more picky. I’ve even enlisted some friends to help me test recipes, just so I can take notes of what it’s like for OTHERS to make the cookies before they land a spot in the book. It’s been a lot on my plate, but I’m honestly loving this delicious work.

1) Speaking of the book, though, I’m just about 2/3 of the way done my manuscript! 🙂

2) The cookies you see above! They’re an older recipe I published on my blog 5 years ago. I make these peanut butter sweetheart cookies each Valentine’s Day. The best part is that the chocolate heart is filled with peanut butter. The hearts are Reese’s brand and you can usually find them in the seasonal candy section of the grocery store!

3) What are you making for the Super Bowl? We don’t have any plans yet, but most likely heading to our friends’ to watch the game. I’m thinking either my favorite pizza dip (it’s made with greek yogurt!) or trying out these old bay chicken wings. I live in Maryland and practically everything is covered in Old Bay. It’s awesome.

4) If you live in NYC, please visit my friend Kristen who owns DŌ, as in the confectionary shop selling all kinds of safe-to-eat cookie dough treats. I visited her original store this past Fall, but they just had their grand opening at the big new location in Greenwich Village!

5) One night this past week, I made this slow cooker chicken soup for supper. I added 1 can of corn. We loved it! Do you have any favorite slow cooker soups? Looking to add to the rotation.

6) Check out the cutting board Kevin made for my sister for Christmas. It’s made of maple, oak, cherry, and walnut. Isn’t it gorgeous?

7) I have a fun new blog project I’m working on for 2017. I’ll unveil it this coming Wednesday, so check back!

Have a great one and take some time for yourself!

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