Saturday Seven

s been another week on the road as I traveled up to Stamford for a cooking demo Saturday Seven

What’s new!?

It’s been another week on the road as I traveled up to Stamford for a cooking demo. One of the best parts about these cooking demos and book signings is not actually cooking and signing, it’s talking with all of you. About real life stuff. Baking stuff. Dog stuff. You know, the things that really matter. I’ve been able to connect with so many incredible and inspiring people on this journey that it’s really put this whole blogging career into perspective. I’m getting all kinds of sappy on this innocent Saturday morning, but I’m just really happy to be here. In related news: we did NOT go hungry for dessert! I made 2 batches of chewy chocolate chunk cookies (above), oatmeal raisin cookies, and brought a new recipe for everyone to taste test. It’ll be up on the blog next month. 3 words: salted chocolate chip. Ahh!! 

Besides visits to our new house in the coming weeks, I’ll be staying put working on an exciting new project. Lots of recipe development and even more butter involved! The only travel planned in May is to Salt Lake for a book signing and blog conference. Bloggers: are you going?

s been another week on the road as I traveled up to Stamford for a cooking demo Saturday Seven

Mother’s Day is already next weekend. It snuck up on me, you too?? I’m starting to gather dessert ideas for our family get together. It’s also my mother-in-law’s birthday that weekend, so we have a lot to celebrate! Inspired to try these recipes:

1) Mother’s Day Cake from i am baker. I have a huge crush on Amanda’s blog. She also shares a video of EXACTLY how she decorates with many open star tips. And have you seen her sunflower cake? Do you understand my crush?

2) Speaking of cakes, I’ve had my eye on this birthday party ice cream cake by sweetapolita for nearly 2 years. Those layers!

3) If mom likes carrot cake, be sure to garnish with decorative carrots. 🙂

I’ll probably end up making my lemon blueberry layer cake, but as a smaller sheet cake instead. I’m thinking a 9×13 pan. Should take about 35-40 minutes or so, in case you want to try it that way too! Here are a few more from my archives too:

4) Homemade strawberry cupcakes. And that strawberry buttercream is my dream. It’s kind of strange, but those freeze-dried strawberries are KEY!

5) Mom likes chocolate, right? VERY in-your-face chocolate cupcakes.

6) Next level crumb cake. Seriously try this.

7) Totally unrelated here. My first concert was the SPICE GIRLS when I was in 7th grade. And I had approx 32 spice girl t-shirts and my walls were covered with posters. So I nearly flipped reading these spice girls life lessons! #girlpower

By the way, what are you making for Cinco de Mayo?

Make it a great weekend!

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