November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand, 33°F outside, and a counter full of Christmas cookies makes this early November trip to Napa seem forever ago. I was invited on a work trip with Panasonic and Napa being… well, NAPA… I brought Kevin along. This was our first time there.

I miss that 70°F sunshine.

And the delicious bubbles. All the delicious bubbles!

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

It was a whirlwind trip to say the least. We were there for less than 72 hours which is quite short considering we flew across the country to get there! Our schedules were packed so we couldn’t stay longer, but we’re already dreaming about our next trip. Which, hopefully, will be a much longer stay.

One of our favorite parts was visiting Liana Estates and sampling their unique selection of wines. I definitely don’t consider myself a wine connoisseur– I just know that wine tastes good here and even better there.

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Not to mention the breathtaking landscapes. And the cheese. So very much cheese!

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

I think this picture is my favorite. ↑

Oh wait, this is. (Moo.) ↓

Sitting here with hot peppermint tea in hand November Trip in Napa

Q: Have you ever been to Napa? 

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