Saturday Seven

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

How’s your Valentine’s Day weekend going so far? I have zero complaints because I’m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures back home on the East coast. Sorry guys.

Isn’t that picture of the golden gate gorgeous? I had the day off from book signings yesterday, so Kevin and I did a little sightseeing like the golden gate at sunrise and Alcatraz in the afternoon. After one more San Fran book signing today, we’re heading to San Diego. It will be my first time ever in SoCal and you wanna know how we’re spending our Valentine’s Day? The San Diego zoo. Is that weird and totally unromantic? Whatever. We’re animal people.

I can’t wait to see the pandas!!!

So, 3 quick things I want to share with you:

Marketing Assistant

I want to take the time to thank everyone who applied for the marketing assistant position. I posted about an opening on the Sally’s Baking Addiction team a week or so ago and have been flooded with applications! I am incredibly honored to have so many of you interested in helping me stay afloat (aka sane) and helping me keep up with my daily work. Everyone I heard from is remarkably talented and I wish I could have a team of 100! I made a decision this week and the position has been filled. I’m slowly replying to each of you, so hopefully you have heard from me directly by now. Thank you again!

New Social Medias

New SBA Tumblr page launched last month and my new YouTube channel launched this week! Slowly adding content to each.

Boston Book Signing Rescheduled

Snow kept me from seeing you in Boston last Monday. But mark your calendars for Monday, March 14th at Trident Booksellers & Cafe at 7pm. See you then!

Ok, let’s get to the good (seriously chocolate-y) stuff.

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

Above: please tell me you saw my peanut butter chocolate lava cakes this week. And please tell me they are making an appearance in your kitchen this weekend.

Below: Candy’s on the brain right now as I demo candy recipes and chat about all things candy on this part of the book tour. Have you ever tried my dark chocolate key lime pie truffles? The combination definitely sounds odd, but trust me on it. Unlike anything and one of my very favorites!

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

Serious question. Have you ever made a Piñata Cake before? Incredibly moist cake, completely stuffed with candies inside. I love serving this cake because no one expects candy to explode from the center. It’s amazing.

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

If you’re looking for an indulgently rich, practically sinful chocolate treat to have for breakfast– look no further than these triple chocolate scones supreme. Triple chocolate, double glazed, UNREAL.

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

Last Valentine’s Day, I taught you exactly how to make crepes at home. Have you tried it yet? They’re surprisingly really, really easy.


m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

Here are 36 Valentine’s Day recipes in case you need last minute inspiration!

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

And, finally, for the perfect Valentine’s Day treat… here is my super sized XXL death by chocolate cookie! This recipe makes 1 extremely large cookie, perfect for sharing. Or not. All for you. Whatever.

m here in sunny San Francisco while my friends and family are stuck in Arctic temperatures Saturday Seven

Q: Ever been to San Francisco or San Diego?

Q: Have you tried any of these recipes before? Thoughts?

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