Coffee Break

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

I feel like we haven’t chatted in awhile. I share 2-3 new recipes a week, but I miss real conversation with you! Let’s change that. Because I miss you! And I really like coffee. And breaks.

Heck, while we’re at it– let’s add some pumpkin coffee creamer to that cup o’ joe. K? If you do not care for coffee, grab tea, a smoothie, heck- a cocktail! It’s ok, I’ll wait as you open that bottle of wine.

Do you know what I’ve been doing the past 2 months straight? Preparing posts for the rest of this year. I was baking pumpkin bars in July. Christmas cookies last week. I feel insane, but I need to get this done now or else my blog will have zip, zero, zilch on it while I’m on tour. And seeing all of these Fall and holiday recipes together, oh my gosh. GET READY for some truly incredible things. I honestly can’t pick a favorite but just to name a few: my favorite Thanksgiving stuffing, pecan pie, truffles, scones, cheesecakes, more snack bars (heck yes!), Fall cocktails, pumpkin cookies. And I have more posts in my baking basics series coming too. Not quite finished it all, but I’m almost there.

I’d like to say thank you to Kevin, my friends, family, in-laws, and neighbors for helping me taste test it all. Anywhere I’ve gone the past two months, I’ve brought baked goods with me. “Here, taste this! And this!” My plumber even got some pumpkin bars. And I sent our UPS man on his way with cookies. My life is so odd.

Oh, and this doesn’t even count all the current work! I mean all the baking / writing / shooting / editing / posting I’ve been doing right now too. Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to getting on the road soon.

Sips more coffee.

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

Did you know you can literally make your own PSL at home? I’m serious! And it really tastes like the real deal. Starbucks sent these to me and I even got Kevin (“coffee tastes like burnt dirt”) to drink one. Life is complete.

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

Speaking of the hubs! It’s our one year anniversary this Sunday.

I really cannot process that. Doesn’t this seem recent?

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

What feels like yesterday, also seems well in the past. I can still smell Kevin’s cologne and taste the sesame-crusted salmon, yet I wrote a cookbook, saw heavenmy favorite band, relaxed in Mexico, and turned 30 since then.

We were originally going to travel somewhere to celebrate but, to be honest, we’d rather do something special around home since there is so much travel ahead. He’s coming to Seattle with me in a couple weeks, so we’re planning on a nice dinner there as well. Seattle locals, do you have any good recommendations?

I plan to post a few more wedding photos on Sunday too, so check back.

Let’s see, what else is new. Oh! I tried some real-deal macarons last week from Ladurée. My parents were traveling and picked me up a variety. I tried the pistachio first and I’m so glad I did because it ended up being my favorite. But, let’s not kid around here, they’re all incredible. The raspberry filling in the pink one is outstanding and I adored the lemon flavor. The other flavors are vanilla, salted caramel, and cool mint. I’ve never been to France but for these and many, many other reasons- I would love to visit.

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

If you haven’t seen by now, I’m officially on snapchat! I’m as excited about snapchat as I am in the beginning of this post. My username is the same as Twitter and Instagram: sallysbakeblog. It took me forever to learn because I’m not as cool as you super tech-y kids! How old do I sound?

Fall Favorites. So awesomely basic. Join the fun.

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

via Pinterest.

THREE giveaways happening right now!

  1. I have a giveaway for NatureBox on my blog now– head on over to this post to learn more about my obsession with this company and its snacks, as well as how to enter. It’s easy.

  2. Here’s a giveaway for a signed copy of Sally’s Candy Addiction from Shelf Awareness! Click here to enter.

  3. Here’s another giveaway for a signed copy of Sally’s Candy Addiction from Lynn. Click here to enter and to see a recipe that she made from my new cookbook. Lemon. Truffles. Good choice, Lynn!

My friend Kathleen– you know the one who designed our wedding signage— is a master calligrapher and owns Sincerely Designed. I sent Kath an advanced copy of Sally’s Candy Addiction for promotional purposes and she made the pumpkin spice toffee on page 109. Amazing. You have to try it this Fall. And just look at her beautiful calligraphy. I can’t get enough of this talent.

 Preparing posts for the rest of this year Coffee Break

Ok, gotta jet. Finally going shopping for book tour clothes. Talk soon. xo

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