Review and Giveaway: euphoria Thousand-Layer Cake...and I'm Going to See SNL Next Month!!

Today is a day for fun and celebration here at ! Michael and I have entered the Saturday Night Live e-mail ticket lottery every August for the past few seasons…and we’ve never won tickets. Until now, that is…I received an e-mail from NBC yesterday afternoon informing me that two tickets to the October 15th show have been reserved in my name!! We’re very excited, but it means putting together a weekend getaway to New York in three short weeks. Luckily, this isn’t our first trip to NYC…so we have an idea of what things we want to see/do…and places we want to eat. Because it’s short notice and work is busy, a three-day weekend is all we can swing. But, I know we’ll manage to pack a lot of fun…and a lot of eats…into those three days!!

I’m in such a great mood today that I’m going to keep the celebratory vibe going by having a giveaway! Today's featured gourmet food item is a totally delish little treat called euforia thousand-layer cake, based on a Dutch-Indonesian recipe. Kartika at euphoria sent me a sampler that contained all four of her yummy flavors: Spice, Vanilla, Spice Flourless, and Vanilla Flourless. The flourless versions are gluten-free, BTW. These little cake squares are so good…they’re light, moist, and not TOO sweet! They’re perfect for when you want a little something sweet between meals or after dinner. I especially enjoyed having them with a cup of tea before bed…as you can see from the picture, they’re two or three bites big, so they’re perfect size for a little treat.

Even better, euforia is made from simple all-natural ingredients: eggs, butter, sugar, flour, milk, vanilla, and spices. Both flavors are simply delicious…the Vanilla is anything but plain. The cake is sweet and moist, and the clean buttery vanilla flavor really shines through. The Spice has a great flavor, but the spice isn’t overpowering…it’s subtle and delicate, but you can definitely taste cinnamon and nutmeg. I especially liked that each slice comes individually wrapped, which allows it to stay fresh and moist until you’re ready to eat it...which wasn’t long at Casa Garcia. These little cakes are pretty addictive, so they only lasted us about three days!

One of my lucky readers is going to win a delicious euforia product to try for themselves. To enter the giveaway, please visit the euforia website. Then come back here and leave me a comment letting me know how you would most enjoy these tasty cake squares. The winner will receive their choice of the following euforia confections:
  • A 12-slice snack box in vanilla, spice, flourless vanilla, or flourless spice
  • A mini whole cake in the flavor of your choice
  • A roulade cake in the flavor of your choice.
For additional entries, you can Like euphoria on Facebook and follow them on Twitter...and please remember to include your e-mail on at least one of your entries so I can easily find you if you're the winner. Entries will be accepted until Sunday at 1159 PM, and the winner will be announced early next week. Good luck!

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