Taking #SundaySupper Outdoors With a Fun Picnic…Featuring Spicy Pinto and Black Bean Salad with Roasted Corn and Avocado

A simple al freco dinner...featuring Spicy Pinto and 
Black Bean Salad with Roasted Corn and Avocado. 
The theme for this week’s edition of #SundaySupper is What Does Sunday Supper Mean to You and Your Lifestyle? To me, spending time relaxing with Michael while we enjoy Sunday dinner is a nice way to wrap up the weekend. It's also a good time to discuss the upcoming week's activities. It doesn’t have to be a fancy meal -- the most important thing is that we share the meal together! Occasionally, we like to enjoy our dinner al fresco by heading outside for a picnic. Granted...Summer isn’t the ideal time for dining outside in Texas, but it CAN be done with a little bit of planning. Today, I'll show you how to plan a simple al fresco meal that can stand up to the Summer heat.

First, don’t plan your outing for the hottest part of the day...wait until later in the day, when the temps cool off a bit as the Sun sets. Even better, find a location that’s under a tree or covered sitting area that allows for a bit of shade and a nice breeze. To further beat the heat, wear lightweight,  light-colored clothes. By following these simple tips, you may be a bit warm...but the heat shouldn’t be unbearable. Make sure to keep the meal light and refreshing too: chilled salads, fresh fruit, and plenty of cold beverages are your best bets for Summer outdoor dining.

Second, don’t let the menu stress you out: the focus of the meal is spending time together! The menu should be fuss-free and simple -- but that doesn’t mean it has to be plain or boring! I like to bring components that can be mixed and matched in a variety of ways. For the menu I’m sharing today, I wanted to feature a healthy easy-to-tote salad. Ideally, I wanted a dish that could be eaten alone or paired with a few store-bought components to create a light and easy meal. I knew I had found exactly what I was looking for when I stumbled across a recipe for a bean and corn salad with avocado at Cooking Light’s website.

This salad is substantial enough to eat on its own, but it’s versatile enough to be eaten several different ways! Check out this menu: Spicy Pinto and Black Bean Salad with Roasted Corn and Avocado, grilled chicken breast, salsa-ranch dressing, tortilla chips, and my favorite bakery cookies. These components give you lots of meal options: wrap sandwiches, chips and salsa, and a veg-friendly main dish salad for starters. This flavorful salad takes about 30 minutes to assemble, but it needs to chill for a few hours. I made the base of the salad the night before, but waited to add the avocado until just before serving.

Spicy Pinto and Black Bean Salad 
with Roasted Corn and Avocado
adapted from Cooking Light

Step 1: Place a grill pan on the stove over med-high heat. Let the pan heat for 5-6 minutes while you prep the veggies. Liberally rub two shucked ears of corn with olive oil. Grill the corn for about five minutes per side, until it is cooked and some of the kernels are browned.

Step 2: Remove the corn from the pan and immediately wrap in foil so it can steam and finish cooking. While the corn rests, add three thick slices of purple onion and one jalapeno to the hot grill pan -- you will likely need to add a bit more oil to keep them from sticking. Cook for 3-4 minutes per side, until the pepper is blistered and the onion has grill marks.

Step 3: Set the onion and jalapeno aside to cool. Add the following ingredients to a large mixing bowl: 1 can drained pinto beans, 1 can drained black beans, 1 cup grape tomatoes (halved), and 2 sliced green onions. Using a sharp knife, remove the kernels from the corn...add to the bowl. Chop the onions, and seed and dice the jalapeno...add those to the bowl too.

Step 4: Make a dressing by combining the following ingredients in a measuring cup: 1/4 cup olive oil, the juice of one large lime, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. onion powder, 1 tsp. dried cilantr0, 1 tsp. chile powder, 1 tsp. cumin, and salt & pepper to taste. Whisk and pour over the ingredients in the bowl. Stir well to evenly coat everything with the dressing. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving. Just prior to serving, dice one avocado on top of the salad and squeeze with the juice of an additional lime.

This salad is really fantastic! The roasted corn and grilled onion pair nicely with the beans, the tomatoes and zesty dressing bring a bit of brightness, the jalapeno brings just enough heat, and the avocado is creamy and cooling. I loved eating this salad on its own, but it was also tasty scooped with tortilla chips! This recipe makes quite a bit of salad, so it would be perfect for Summer potlucks or parties.

#SundaySupper is a fantastic group of food bloggers who share a common bond: we're all passionate about keeping the tradition of the family meal, whether your family is big or small. Merrell is a supporter of our #SundaySupper mission, and they're partnering with us this week for a fun giveaway. If you're not familiar with Merrell, they sell shoes, clothing, and other items that support an active, outdoor lifestyle. They’re teaming with 10 #SundaySupper bloggers -- including me -- to give away some of their products! The product that I’m giving away is from their Barefoot line of shoes. The specific shoe that I'm giving away is the Women's Barefoot Life Delight Glove Wool. These cute shoes come in three colors, and they look so comfortable! 

If you want to win a pair of these shoes (a $100 value!), here’s what you need to do:

(1) First, leave me a comment below letting me know what #SundaySupper means to you and your lifestyle. 

(2) You also need to take part in today’s #SundaySupper Twitter chat at 700CST. In order to win the shoes, you must comment AND take part in the Twitter chat! The winner will be announced on Monday. Please note that the giveaway is for U.S. residents only...

You can follow Merrell on Twitter @merrelloutside and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/merrell. While you're at it, please stop by and check out all the delicious food that my fellow #SundaySupper bloggers are sharing today! Merrell has chosen 9 other bloggers to host a giveaway on their site, so stop by to see all the fantastic items that are being offered.
In addition, check out these great #SundaySupper recipes:

1 Response to "Taking #SundaySupper Outdoors With a Fun Picnic…Featuring Spicy Pinto and Black Bean Salad with Roasted Corn and Avocado"

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