We Built A Bed! Diy Wooden Headboard

Last weekend a friend called in addition to asked what nosotros were upwards to.
My reply, "Building a bed."
Really?  Can you lot produce that?   
"Sure.  Why not?"

I experience similar I ever larn a similar response to people when we're working on a project.  Especially the guys that function at the hardware store.  Why produce they ever assume I don't know what I'm doing?  It is thus frustrating.  And annoying.  I'll live looking at blast guns or sorting through pieces of lumber in addition to they'll come upwards up in addition to enquire me what I need.  I'll tell something like, "I'm edifice a bed" or "I'm making a forest counter transcend for my kitchen island" or "I'm creating a bath vanity out of a dresser," in addition to they start explaining to me why I can't produce whatever it is I desire to do.  

I've got novel for you lot people : Yes, I tin in addition to will.  
I don't hateful to audio "know-it-all-y," in addition to I produce know that in that place are things that I truly tin non produce (at this betoken inwards time... until I google it in addition to figure it out, that is). 
Oh, in addition to when I tell "I" I truly hateful "we" - every bit you lot tin regard Mike has truly expanded my repertoire of skills.  

I experience similar this mind-set is what sets people apart from others- inwards everything, non but article of furniture edifice in addition to abode improvement projects, of course.

I too used to meet this work a lot when I was a marriage ceremony planner - I would possess got a vision for something, similar how the reception infinite should live laid up.  The final result infinite coordinator would tell things like, "We normally produce it this way" or "Um... well, nosotros possess got never done it that way" in addition to they would larn this truly nervous hold back on their human face upwards like, "You're going to possess got me out of my comfort zone in addition to brand me truly intend today, aren't you?"  Yes.  Yes, I am.

Even when I worked at my 'real' chore at an advertising way earlier leaving to start my ain business, when I would become to my supervisors in addition to advise implementing a creative novel arrangement would making things to a greater extent than efficient in addition to easier, I would live met amongst a, "Well we've ever done it this way- peradventure nosotros should but proceed doing it the same way we've ever done it" response that sent my heed spinning into an Office Space type of moment. 

I but wanted to stand upwards in addition to upwards in addition to shout out at them, "You are crazy."  But thus I would've been the i that looked crazy.  All is good inwards the end, because when I told them I was going to quit to start my ain business, they, of course, looked at me similar I was crazy.  The lesson : You can't assistance the vision-less.  There are those of us that possess got it.  And those of that don't.  Feel bad for them.  Don't yell at them in addition to tell them they are crazy.  

Clearly I was inwards desperate demand of a to a greater extent than creative outlet if I was spending my days thinking of novel fancy excel sheets to brand my twenty-four hr catamenia to a greater extent than exciting.

Actually, I dear spreadsheets.  In fact, I pass a lot of fourth dimension maintaining my spreadsheets for my business, parties, projects, our abode in addition to our savings.  I but desire to live clear- I'm non insulting spreadsheets or those of you lot who function amongst them all twenty-four hr catamenia long.  Creativity comes inwards many ways.

Maybe someday I'll portion all of the spreadsheets that I've designed?  They brand me smile.  What could I categorize them under?  My Life?  Home? 

It seems that this post service has gotten a niggling off-topic.  Or has it?  The moral of the storey is to opened upwards yourself to produce something you lot intend you lot can't do.

Push yourself.  You mightiness terminate upwards amongst something beautiful.  Be it spreadsheet or bed.  

This bed was inspired yesteryear the Sommerset Bed from Pottery Barn that is no longer available (in a Queen size).  So, I did a niggling enquiry in addition to constitute plans for edifice this bed at my novel favorite site, Anna White.  If this post service hasn't been plenty inspiration for you lot to force your carpentry limits, her slow to follow projects will.  

We built the headboard first, in addition to programme to ready the base/frame after this month.  I used the next combination to gain the complete (I'm including this thus when nosotros become dorsum to brand the bed base of operations I won't forget) : 

1st : Sand, Sand & Sand
2d : Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner (Minwax)
third : Stain mixed inwards equal parts : Special Walnut, Provencal & Golden Pecan (Mixwax), brushed on in addition to left on
fourth : Special Walnut & Weathered Oak (Minwax), brushed on, thus wiped off
fifth : Light sand & buff
sixth : Danish Oil rubbed on.
seventh : Light sand & buff.

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