Creative Layer Cakes : Part Your Photos!

I'm ever then interested inward what y'all are cooking together with baking... Hey- I necessitate inspiration, too.  So, I'd similar to invite y'all to a Share Your Food Photos on My Community.  I'd similar to brand this a weekly thing! 

Here's how it volition become :  You submit your photograph via My Community (you tin upload a photograph when y'all reply to the Conversation).   Describe the elements y'all used inward your recipe, together with how your menage unit of measurement together with friends enjoyed it.  I'll pick out i (or more...) of the submissions to characteristic hither on the weblog the next week.  I powerfulness fifty-fifty enquire y'all to part the recipe!

This week, I'd similar to meet what Layer Cake combination y'all tin come upward up with.  As y'all recollect from final week, I posted virtually my Vanilla Pound Cake amongst Lemon Curd, Whipped Cream, Berries & Black Plums... What combination tin y'all come upward up with?  Be creative, or classic - whatsoever your menage unit of measurement volition love.

Please part your photos yesteryear Mon morn on this conversation thread.  I can't hold off to meet what you've been upward to.

New to nutrient photography?  Here are a distich of Food Photography Quick Tips that volition manage your layer cake expect its best.

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