8 Reasons Why I Blog.

m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me 8 Reasons Why I Blog.

As I enter my 3rd year of blogging full-time (2 years since I quit!), I’m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me. I’m also inspired to write today’s post. I spent some time updating my posts about blogging this week. I’ve got steps to create food blog, how to write a food blog, food photography, and blogging as a career covered. But today? The reasons why I blog in the first place. If you’re a blogger or not, hopefully you can relate to at least a little of it.

It should come as no shock to you that I love to share my recipes with others. But that isn’t the only reason why I blog. (It was certainly the reason why I started!) As the years pass and I learn more about blogging– and myself– I’ve grown to appreciate the many blessings that blogging brings to me both professionally and personally. This was an unexpected road for me to travel down but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me 8 Reasons Why I Blog.

I blog…

1. To Learn. I don’t know everything about photography, writing, cookbook publishing, SEO, website code and design, baking bread, pastry dough, and running my own business. But I sure as hell know a lot more than I did 4 years ago. Through study, experience, advice from my peers, and trial and error, I’ve learned enough to call myself a photographer, a writer, a cookbook author, a website owner, a baker, and a CEO of a business. The days I finally nailed Danish pastry from scratch, this moment, and this day (<– proudest day of my career) are still some of my proudest days!

Whether you’re just starting out as a blogger, or just starting anything in life– hopefully this is proof that you can start from no where and the effort to learn will take you far.

m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me 8 Reasons Why I Blog.

2. To Connect. Through blogging, I’ve met a handful of other bloggers, connected with brands I admire and respect, and began friendships with people I never would have met otherwise. I’ve been blessed to meet dozens of readers at book signings and cannot wait to meet more of you this Fall on Candy Addiction’s book tour. More details coming soon!

Connecting with your audience will open the doors to new opportunities, friendships, bonds, and learning experiences.

3. To Be Inspired. We all bring something different to the table. Blogging, as you just read, has connected me with many different individuals of all ages, walks of life, who may be struggling, or who just love to bake. There are dozens of you who have inspired me. No, hundreds. My reader and friend, Amalea, who loves to be in the kitchen and has made all the recipes from Sally’s Baking Addiction Cookbook. My reader and friend, Caley, who gives my recipes a creative spin by always offering suggestions for tasty variations. And so many more. Thank you for continuing to inspire me.

Insert 100 hearts here. ♥

4. To Write. I’ve always loved writing. I had about 54 diaries when I was young (the ones with the little lock on them– what did I write about?!) and preferred essay writing over tests any day in school. (I’m the worst test taker.) I write thank you cards for everything, send snail-mail to my friends, and I asked for the page count of Candy Addiction to be extended because I couldn’t stop writing about… candy. My favorite part about this job is writing. Not the baking, not the photography, not the being-my-own-boss thing. It’s the writing. PS: I’m glad you don’t mind when I geek out about nerdy food science stuff.

m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me 8 Reasons Why I Blog.

{via pinterest}

5. To Heal. This reason is very hard for me to write. But, I’m going to wear my heart on my sleeve in case any of you can relate. I struggled with confidence out of high school and all through college. I was never shy; in fact, I’ve always been rather outgoing. Readers who’ve met me, you know! But during a few darker years of my life, I hid my insecurities, anxiety, and low self esteem. Out of college, I felt lost. Though my insecurities had been fading through affirmations and yoga (the two make a wonderfully healing medicine!), I didn’t feel particularly confident in what I was doing with my life. I worked in the corporate world and though I had plenty of friends inside and outside of work, I felt I wasn’t where I belong. I needed a hobby, something to call my own. I took my love of baking, my interest in photography, and TOTAL lack of knowledge with websites and started this blog. As the years go by and I see this little space I created grow into a worldwide dessert-loving community, I finally feel strong, confident, and… well… I feel healed. So, thank you. So, so much for helping me find myself.

6. To Be Myself. In a society where you’ll never be good enough, smart enough, strong enough, tall enough, pretty enough, and perfect enough, I blog to just be myself. In my own words, run-on sentences, love for raisins, sprinkles on my wedding cake, dog lady, singing off key in the shower, red wine stain on my couch, Pinterest obsessed, exclamation point loving, imperfect way. You can’t make everyone happy; they’re all going to have an opinion of what you do, say, and write. Whether it’s through a blog, in a job, in the home, in school, in a relationship– give yourself the freedom to live fully, be yourself, and make mistakes. We’re all different and we’re all human. It has taken me YEARS to finally believe and practice (!!): stop worrying about what people think of you. Embrace the weirdness.

Hopefully my blog (or yours!) is where you can just be yourself too.

7. To Be My Own Boss. Money shouldn’t be the reason to start a blog. If I had money as my top goal when I first began my blog in 2011, I’d be broke. I did not earn a single check from my blog until 8 months after I hit publish. And it was for $80. It IS possible to support yourself through blogging though! And treat yourself to a fancy dinner out. Through work and dedication, I’ve learned that it is also possible to manage your time, social medias, income, expenses, inbox, and schedule too… all while producing new content and having a life outside of the kitchen and computer. Are you a business owner? Running a business isn’t all sunshine and chocolate chip cookies as you know, it’s challenging to be in charge of my business and income. But thrilling at the same time. I have no idea where this career will take me. More cookbooks and a bakery someday? Those are my goals.

My sister looked at this photo and bursted out laughing because she knows I’m usually in sweatpants, glasses, and messy hair… not in a skirt, silk shirt, and blown out hair when I’m baking. Um, and my kitchen never looks this clean.

m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me 8 Reasons Why I Blog.

{photo: JW Studio}

8. To Share My Love For Cake, Cookies, Sprinkles, and every other baked good on the planet. But not only this, to share my love for baking. The actual act of being in the kitchen preparing bread, fudge, caramel, and pie crust completely from scratch while making memories with my husband, family, and friends.

Recipe blog specializing in sprinkle loaded treats = destiny.

m full of gratitude for where this whirlwind of a career has taken me 8 Reasons Why I Blog.


Q: Are you blogger? Why do you blog?

Be sure to check out my other blogging posts.


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