Smoked Salmon Poached Egg English Muffin

Smoked Salmon & Poached Egg English Muffin

What a wake up call! Smoked salmon and avocado is probably the best pairing in food history! Am I right?!

Throw in tomatoes, onion and spinach…of course with a beautiful poached egg with runny yolk drizzling down the sides! Throw it all on an English muffin and KAPOW! An incredible combination!

 Smoked salmon and avocado is probably the best pairing in food history Smoked Salmon  Poached Egg English Muffin

Fill a small frying pan half way with water and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar/or white vinegar. Stir and bring to a boil.

Lower heat to a gentle simmer, crack egg holding the egg close the waters surface.

Gently drop into the water and allow to simmer for about 3 – 5 minutes, spooning the water over the yolks occasionally until cooked to your liking.

Serve over half a warmed wholemeal/wholewheat English Muffin with spinach leaves, diced tomato, sliced red onion, a slice of smoked salmon and 2 tablespoons avocado.

Season with sea salt and cracked pepper.

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