Caramelized Pineapple Grilled Cheese

It’s been a while since I put out a grilled cheese recipe. Shame on me! We love grilled cheese sandwiches so much in our house we have our own affectionate name for them: melties. Actually, that name may have stemmed from an argument with my son when he was 2 or 3. He refused to eat a grilled cheese, instead demanding I make him a boy cheese. It was cute. I laughed every time. And then I just started calling them melties after the cuteness wore off. Now that my daughter is 3 we’ve started having similar arguments about how I need to make grilled cheese for the girls and boy cheese for the boys. Back to gender neutral melties.

This sandwich was inspired by a killer sale on pineapples ($1.25 each!) and a quesadilla recipe I tried a while back from Jessica over at How Sweet Eats. There was also a great deal on fontina. I have a love affair with fontina. I’m always drawn to it and love its subtle nutty yet creamy flavor. If you don’t have a killer sale on fontina, I recommend a Monterrey jack or even just mozzarella. A nice mild cheese will do. Now, I always shred mine when making grilled cheese because I find it melts quite nicely and helps incorporate with added ingredients to keep the whole mess stuck together. This sandwich is fun, mildly spicy, and a great summer grilled cheese meltie. 

Time to Make It: About 20 minutes

Yield: 6 sandwiches


1 TB + 6 tsp coconut oil

1 pineapple, peeled cored, and sliced thin

1 onion, sliced

1 jalapeno, diced

1/4 tsp salt

12 slices bread

2 cups shredded fontina cheese


1. Melt 1 TB coconut oil in a large heavy skillet over medium high heat. Add in the pineapple, onion slices, jalapeno, and season with salt. Sautee until onions are soft and translucent, 7 to 10 minutes.

2. Spread remaining coconut oil on one side of each slice of bread. 

3. Create the sandwiches by sandwiching the non-oiled side of bread with a little cheese, a heap of the pineapple/onion mixture, more cheese. 

4. Cook on a flat skillet over medium heat until bread is toasted and cheese is melted, flipping carefully half-way through. 

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