Popcorn Snack Mix, Round 2: Apple Pie Delight Popcorn Snack Mix

What do you do when you live in central Texas and the calendar clearly says SEPTEMBER, but it's still nearly 100 degrees outside in the afternoons? Well, if you're me: you PRETEND that it's fall...you crank up the a/c and make something yummy to eat that reminds you that one day -- eventually -- it will actually cool off in San Antonio! Until then, I vow to eat things that let me pretend that fall is here already. It's still nowhere near cool enough to make gumbo or clam chowder, but I did whip up a fall-inspired treat: popcorn snack mix that has all the flavors of one of my favorite fall treats...apple pie! Since my S'mores Popcorn Snack Mix was such a big hit last weekend, I decided to come up with another popcorn snack mix -- this one inspired by apple pie. 

I popped up another batch of Kernel Season's popcorn and tossed up a fun snack that tastes very much like apple pie -- without having to peel a single apple OR turn on the oven!! This snack mix started with a base of popcorn spritzed with butter-flavored spray and tossed in Kernel Season's Apple Cinnamon seasoning. Next came a drizzle of white chocolate with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice added before melting. Then I sprinkled diced dried apples (think chewy, not crunchy!), mini Teddy Grahams, and a few mini marshmallows on top...just because I had some left from the S'mores Mix! Finally, another drizzle of the spiced-up white chocolate was added on top. That's it...apple pie flavor in a fun, popcorn form.

Apple Pie Delight Popcorn Snack Mix
a Weekend Gourmet original

Step 1:  Pop 8 cups of popcorn and spread evenly on a large cookie sheet or sheet pan that's been topped with parchment paper. Spritz with butter-flavored spray and generously sprinkle with Kernel Season's Apple Cinnamon seasoning...toss and spritz to make sure you get the flavor on all of the popcorn!

Step 2:  Melt 2 ounces white chocolate, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. allspice, and 1/2 tsp. nutmeg in the microwave in 30-second intervals until melted. Drizzle half of the spiced white chocolate on top of the popcorn. Top with 1 cup diced dried apples, 1/2 cup mini Teddy Grahams, and 1/2 cup mini marshmallows.

Step 3: Drizzle the remaining half of the spiced white chocolate on top of the entire pan and refrigerate for 15 minutes, until set. Break the snack mix into bite-size pieces and store in an air-tight container. 

This snack mix really DOES remind me of apple pie: the grahams remind me of crunchy crust, the dried apples provide a burst of apple flavor, and the spiced white chocolate brings it all together. All these flavors combine very nicely with fluffy popcorn sprinkled with apple-spice flavor. And the marshmallows? I admit it: they're just for fun!! 

I hope you'll whip up a batch of this fall treat one afternoon soon. If it's already cooler in your corner of the world, it'll be the perfect fall snack. And if not? You can do like I'm doing today and just pretend while you wait for cooler weather to finally make it your way!! Here's a sneak peek at my next post: Root Beer Bundt Cake...I'm making it for our Texans-Colts gameday dessert, and I promise to share the recipe in here on Monday. Until then, my friends...

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