Recipes | Pappardelle Beef Ragu | Rustic Pasta Recipe | Pasta Homemade | Beef & Ruby-Red Vino Ragu

When we were inwards Italia (just a dyad of weeks ago!), nosotros dedicated a large business office of our trip to consuming neat amounts of pasta.  Fresh homemade pasta was past times far our favorite.  We became large fans of the Tuscan specialty, Pappardelle al Cinghiale, wild boar braised inwards cherry vino in addition to tomatoes served amongst wide, apartment egg noodles.  

Here is my US-grocery-store-friendly version... I made if for Mike's Birthday Party Dinner amongst our friends final weekend.  It is definitely a warm-you-to-the-bones neat wintertime dinner.  Oh, in addition to if you lot don't wishing to brand homemade pasta, you lot tin dismiss detect roughly neat authentic alternatives at most grocery stores - fifty-fifty fettucine volition work, but for a particular occasion, I recommend the existent thing. 

Pappardelle amongst Braised Beef Ragu

1 pound of homemade Pappardelle (recipe below)
1 pound of beef chuck roast
1 - xiv oz tin dismiss of crushed tomatoes
1 - xiv oz tin dismiss of whole peeled tomatoes
vi cloves of garlic, minced
1 loving cup of cherry wine
1 teaspoon of body of body of water salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
two tablespoons of fresh basil
parmesan cheese for serving

For the sauce, place the chuck roast in a dutch oven (I similar to purpose a Staub) or covered oven in addition to stove prophylactic dish.  Pour inwards the tin dismiss of crushed tomatoes, hand-squeeze-crush the whole tomatoes onto the beef (I similar the rustic texture of hand-squeezed), in addition to add together garlic, wine, common salt & sugar.  Put it inwards oven at 250 degrees for 5-8 hours.  The beef is done when it pulls apart easily in addition to is fork tender.

Remove from the oven in addition to allow it slightly cool.  Remove the roast from the pot (keep the love apple tree in addition to vino sauce inwards the pot for later!) in addition to take away all of the large chunks of fatty remaining in addition to divide it from the beef.  Discard the fat.  Shred the beef dorsum into the love apple tree in addition to vino sauce.

Place the pot on the stove in addition to simmer the sauce until the desired thickness is desired.  If the sauce is also thick, you lot tin dismiss add together beef broth, crushed tomatoes or H2O to thin.  Keep it covered in addition to on depression until you lot are ready to serve.

Cook the fresh pasta inwards a large pot of salted, boiling H2O for only 1-2 minutes... the pasta volition float when it is ready.  Remove it from the H2O amongst tongs in addition to identify it straightaway into the beef ragu.  Toss to coat in addition to add together parmesan cheese in addition to fresh basil only earlier serving.

Homemade pasta :

The pasta dough earlier boiling.
Homemade Pappardelle Pasta :

1 1/2 cups of flour
two eggs

Start amongst a KitchenAid mixer fitted amongst the dough hook.  Dump inwards the flour, in addition to hence overstep amongst the eggs.  Put the mixer on medium in addition to allow the ingredients curl together until they shape a ball.

*You may involve to add together a footling chip (1-3 tablespoons?) of H2O or flour if the dough is also moisture or also dry.  After a ball is formed, allow the dough 'knead' on low-medium  in the mixer for 5-7 minutes until the dough is elastic.  Cover it amongst plastic twine in addition to allow it sit down for xx minutes.

When it is finished kneading, plow the dough out onto a floured board in addition to kneed it past times manus a dyad of times.

From this stage, you lot tin dismiss curl it out past times manus amongst a rolling pivot (or bottle of wine!), or position it through a pasta rolling machine.  Either agency is pretty simple.  I've of late invested inwards this pasta machine that was real inexpensive.  If you lot conception to brand a lot of pasta inwards the time to come it tin dismiss brand things a footling easier.

By Hand : Roll the dough, flipping it, folding it in addition to rolling it until it is most 1/8 of an inch thick.  Cut it into 1" pieces amongst a knife, or a pizza wheel.  After cutting, you lot tin dismiss laid upwardly it immediately, or allow it dry out on a baking canvas sprinkled amongst flour also travel along the dough from sticking.

With Pasta Machine : Separate the dough into vi pieces.  Flour the machine in addition to dough good to travel along it from sticking.  Feed it through the rolling/flattening business office of the machine starting on the largest setting in addition to progressing to a smaller setting each fourth dimension you lot feed the dough through.  I detect that flouring it each fourth dimension helps to travel along it from sticking.  After it has gone through the smallest (or 2d to the smallest) setting, lay it apartment in addition to cutting it into 1" strips with a knife, or a pizza wheel.  After cutting, you lot tin dismiss laid upwardly it immediately, or allow it dry out on a baking canvas sprinkled amongst flour also travel along the dough from sticking.

Cook pasta inwards a large pot of salted H2O (1 position at to the lowest degree two tablespoons of body of body of water common salt inwards a vi quart pot).  Cook for only 1-2 minutes, or until the pasta floats in addition to is tender.  Drain pasta H2O out in addition to position the pasta straight into the sauce without rinsing.

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