Latest Recipe Testing

I love sharing these behind the scenes posts with you Latest Recipe Testing

I love sharing these behind the scenes posts with you! So far this year:

And that brings us to today. I’m transitioning my way out of winter baking into bright and fresh springtime recipes. Easter is early this year! The first recipe on my to-bake list was lemon meringue pie. This has always been a challenging recipe for me. I ALWAYS have trouble stabilizing the meringue. And if it’s not the weeping meringue, it’s the pie crust tasting soggy. And if it’s not the weeping meringue or soggy pie crust, it’s the watery and too-sweet lemon filling.

Question I asked myself: is lemon meringue pie really worth this work?

I love sharing these behind the scenes posts with you Latest Recipe Testing

YES IT IS! I began by properly blind baking the pie crust. Admittedly, I never used to blind bake pie crusts quite long enough. This always resulted in soggy central. Not the place you want to be. (By the way, here are the pie weights I always use when I blind bake pie crusts.) Additionally, I reworked the lemon filling and took a closer look at the classic meringue topping– a French meringue using just egg whites and sugar. (1) Adding cream of tartar to the meringue and (2) beginning with room temperature egg whites both helped with the stabilization issues.

I’m really looking forward to sharing the pie recipe with you. What has consistently resulted in recipe disasters has finally become a triumph. Lemon meringue pie is not difficult to prepare; it’s the proper ratio of ingredients and mixing techniques that help guarantee success. I’ll share my lemon meringue pie recipe, tips, tricks, and a helpful video in the beginning of March, so stay tuned!

(Oh and lemon meringue pie is not the March Baking Challenge! That new recipe is coming next week. How is it already March 1st soon?)

I love sharing these behind the scenes posts with you Latest Recipe Testing

Also! One of my assistants, Hilari, was here this past week for some kitchen assistance. We tested 2 new cakes, a new dinner roll recipe, brownies for St. Patrick’s Day, and decorated sugar cookies together. All new recipes. All coming soon.


  • Speaking of meringue, have you ever made pavlova? It’s SO good. Lots of texture between the crisp meringue, soft whipped filling, and you can top it with just about anything. Want to share it sometime!

And Jude wanted to say hi. Have a good weekend!

I love sharing these behind the scenes posts with you Latest Recipe Testing

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