Top Recipes of 2017

Happy Friday, friends! I may be a little late to the game, but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of 2017. I was actually amazed at which recipes made the top of the list, especially the top cookie recipe. Hint, it has raisins in it. What?! I never knew so many people loved raisins.

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Before I share the top recipes, I wanted to share a little bit about what I’ve been up to lately. You may have noticed that things have been a little quiet on the blog for the last few weeks. I don’t tend to get very personal when it comes to the blog, because well, my life isn’t that exciting. #justkeepingitreal

But I’ve decided to start sharing some personal posts from time to time because I want to connect more with you. Because, believe it or not, I do things other than bake.

I know. Who would have thought, right?

So, what have I been up to? Well, early last year Josh and I sold our old house, moved, built a house, and moved again. We did all of this in 11 months and once we had finally moved into our new home, I decided to just relax and take a break for a few weeks. Hence, the reason it’s been a little quiet on the blog.

To say that last year was exhausting would probably be an understatement, but it was also one of the best years of my life. I plan to do a post about the new house in a couple of months once we get more situated and finally do a little decorating (send help, please!). But I had to share my a little sneak-peak of my favorite part of the new house.

And if you guessed the kitchen, well, you guessed right.

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

This picture was taken right before we moved in, but I’m so excited to have more counter space and TWO ovens. I’ve been blogging for nearly four years now with just one oven, so to finally have double ovens is such a dream come true. You can’t see them in this picture, but the ovens are actually two single ovens and they’re in the other side of the island.

Ok, so enough about the new house. Let’s move on to the recipes that made the top of the list in 2017!

Top Breakfast Recipe – Blueberry Banana Baked Oatmeal

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Top Bar Recipe – Classic Lemon Bars

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Top Cookie Recipe – Soft & Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Top Cake/Cupcake Recipe – Vanilla Cupcakes

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Top How-To Post – Homemade Buttercream Frosting

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Top No-Bake Recipe – No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

Top Pie Recipe – Homemade Pumpkin Pie 

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

A few other recipes that made the top 10 that I absolutely love!

Grandma’s Bread Pudding

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

My husband spent a long time convincing me to post this recipe because we absolutely love it. I’ll be honest, bread pudding is not easy or fun to photograph but this is such a good recipe I had to share it. I was so surprised that this bread pudding ended up in my top 5 recipes for the year! It makes me so happy to be able to share such a special recipe with so many people.

Classic No-Bake Cookies

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

These cookies made the top 3 recipes of 2017! They were just *barely* beat out of the top cookie spot by my oatmeal raisin cookies. I was also surprised how many people love no-bake cookies, they are one of my favorite cookies!

Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce

 but I wanted to share some of the top recipes of  Top Recipes of 2017

And last but certainly not least, my homemade salted caramel sauce made the top 10 again this year. This stuff is like liquid gold, so so so good!

Thank you!

Before I go, I wanted to take a moment to thank YOU. I can’t express how much I appreciate each and every one of you that take the time to read my e-mails, contact me, comment on a recipe, or let me know when you’ve tried a recipe. It’s such a wonderful feeling to be able to share my recipes and love for baking with you. Because without you, this blog would not even exist. So thank you! ♥

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