Kicking Off National Sunday Supper Month...Featuring Gramma Buckholt's Yeast Rolls #SundaySupper #FamilyMemories

January is officially National Sunday Supper Month, where the #SundaySupper family is encouraging everyone to take The Sunday Supper Pledge -- committing to sharing Sunday Supper with their loved ones at least once per month. As I've learned since joining the #SundaySupper movement in 2012, Sunday Supper starts off as one day a week, and it soon becomes a way of life. The biggest gift we can give our circle of friends and family is to share good food, laughs, and time together! My Great Gramma Edith Buckholt understood the importance of spending time with family -- and cooking simple, hearty meals. Gramma was my Mom's grandmother. She lived 99 years on this earth, so I was lucky to spend time with her during my teenage and early adult years. One of Gramma's best-loved family recipes were her delicious homemade yeast rolls. She taught my Mom to make them, and I asked my Mom to teach me to make them during the holidays.

Yeast and I have had a complicated relationship, but I was determined to learn how to make this cherished family recipe in my own kitchen! Gramma Buckholt's Yeast Rolls are dense and lightly sweet, and they contain simple, basic ingredients. Because she lived during the Depression Era and through World War II rationing, she learned to create tasty bread without using eggs or milk. The result is one of my family's favorite recipes. Growing up, one of my most vivid food memories is coming home from school when the weather finally turned cool in Texas. I'd come in the front door and smell Gramma's Yeast Rolls baking in the oven. As these rolls baked in my oven on New Year's Eve, the scent immediately recalled this memory. Food can truly provide such strong connections to memories in our minds! Let me show you how simple Gramma's rolls are to make.
Gramma Buckholt's Yeast Rolls
Recipe by Edith Buckholt

Ingredients (makes 10 rolls and 1 loaf bread):
  • 2 packages quick-rise yeast
  • 1.5 cups lukewarm water
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • Approximately 3 cups flour + more for dusting your counter
  • Butter
Step 1: Add the lukewarm water to a large measuring cup. Whisk in the yeast, sugar, and salt until completely dissolved. Pour the yeast mixture into a mixing bowl. Whisk the flour in via three 1-cup increments, then use a spoon to make sure the flour is completely incorporated and a sticky dough is formed. [NOTE: you may need more than 3 cups of flour if the dough seems to be too moist -- just go by feel]. Sprinkle a generous amount of flour on your counter. Place the dough on top of the flour, then sprinkle the top with more flour. Knead for approximately 1 minute -- adding more flour as needed to keep the dough from sticking to the counter.
Step 2: Butter the inside of the mixing bowl and place the kneaded dough inside. Brush the top with butter and cover with a kitchen towel. Place the bowl in a warm area of your kitchen to rise -- until the dough doubles in size (approx. 30 minutes). Repeat the kneading procedure on a well-floured counter -- the dough will be much less sticky this time. Cut the dough in half. Place half of the dough in a buttered loaf pan. Cut the remaining dough into 10 equal pieces and roll into balls. Place the rolls in a buttered round pan. Brush them with more butter on top.
Step 3: Preheat oven to 350. Cover the loaf pan and rolls with a kitchen towel and let them rise approximately 30 minutes, until the dough has doubled in size. Bake the rolls until golden brown -- about 20 minutes. The loaf of bread will need to cook an additional 10-15 minutes. Remove the cooked rolls and bread from their pans and let cool for a minute or two before serving. Serve warm with lots of butter.
These yeast rolls are really forgiving -- and they cook up so nicely! They're crusty on the outside, and dense and moist inside. They're slightly sweet, but not overly so. Gramma's rolls are amazing straight from the oven with lots of butter and a drizzle of honey. However, my family also enjoys them with thick slices of ham and cheese tucked inside! That's how we ate them during our at-home New Year's Eve celebration this year. Gramma is no longer here with us -- but as each generation learns to make her rolls, we remember her and carry on her legacy of baking bread. To me, that's the true spirit of the #SundaySupper movement! I hope you'll give my family's favorite yeast roll recipe a try in your kitchen...and I hope you'll check out all of the other great recipes the #SundaySupper family is sharing today.

Appetizers and Soups
Main Courses
Side Dishes
 committing to sharing Sunday Supper with their loved ones at least once per month Kicking Off National Sunday Supper Month...Featuring Gramma Buckholt's Yeast Rolls #SundaySupper #FamilyMemoriesBe sure to join the #SundaySupper conversation on Twitter today! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly Twitter chat starts at 7:00 pm ET/ 6:00 CST.  Be sure to follow the #SundaySupper hashtag, and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, please visit our website, or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It's easy! You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

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