Coffee Break

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

Hi and happy weekend to you!

We all survived a scorcher week. I’m assuming it’s sauna-like temperatures where you live too? Or maybe it just feels like you’re walking into an oven when you step outside. Both true. I can’t believe I’m starting this post talking about WEATHER (yawn) but even my fingers are sweating as I type this.

30 weeks pregnant and all I want is a giant pool filled with ice cubes.

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

I’m feeling good though! Besides some major kicks to my ribs and the sweaty situation that is my everyday life, things are wonderful. We know the gender, but haven’t told many besides close friends and family. I’m staying pretty active, though I do miss running. It became too much once I hit 6 months. But I try to remind myself that I probably wouldn’t be running in this heat anyway!

We had my baby shower a couple weeks ago when my sis and friends were in town and things began feeling R-E-A-L. Baby in only 2 months, I can’t believe it! In anticipation for a little time off work, I’ve been getting ahead on blog content– I’m already working on September recipes. Not only this, I’m working on lots of exciting cookbook release projects and promotions. Baby AND a new cookbook expected in the same month? Yes, things have been busy. I slow down when I can and go to bed before most small children, but staying busy and active feels really, really good. Thank you for all your well wishes during this exciting time!

You see these chocolate cupcakes? I baked and decorated them on Facebook and Instagram LIVE the other day. They’re my chocolate zucchini cake turned into cupcakes– 2.5 dozen of them! Today is my friend’s birthday and we have lots of birthday festivities planned this weekend, so I wanted to prepare a massive amount of treats for the celebrations. I used the Wilton 8B piping tip to decorate. I love how they turned out!

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

I also whipped up a batch of these sand dollar cookies. How freakin’ cute for summer themed parties and showers?! I haven’t made them in a few years, but needed a quick treat when I visited home last weekend.

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

I have a new blueberry pie recipe coming to my blog soon, but I’m still in testing mode. This one has been a real doozy and is taking me longer than usual. On test pie #4. Stay tuned! I hope you’re not tired of pie. All I crave these days are fruit! Also, pie week will make its debut for its 2nd year this November. Remember it from last Thanksgiving season? So excited!

I also made 2 batches of salted caramel for upcoming various recipes. Liquid gold, I call it.

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

I make a batch of breakfast cookies every week. Have you tried these yet? I’m pretty ravenous most mornings and one holds me over until I make an actual hearty breakfast to get me going for the day. They’re a super quick and easy snack too! I change up the fruits and nuts each time depending on what I have in the pantry. It’s usually dried blueberries and chopped walnuts or pecans, but lately I’ve been loving the raisin and sliced almond combo. The recipe calls for 1 cup of fresh blueberries, but dried are pretty convenient for most. If I’m using dried fruit, I only add about 2/3 cup. They’re flourless, dairy-free, no oil/butter, and are sweetened with honey.

This must be my 16th batch in only 3 months. I am OBSESSED. Kevin loves them too and I recently got my friends hooked on them when they visited. Healthy cookies for all!

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

And now onto not-so-healthy cookies. Aka the BEST KIND!! Let’s talk about Sally’s Cookie Addiction. My upcoming 3rd cookbook will be released in September. This cookbook is extremely close to my heart as cookies are my #1 favorite dessert to bake and share with others. (And I think you agree!) It took me 9 months to test and photograph the recipes, as well as draft the manuscript. I can say with 100% confidence that this my best work– the best of all 3 books by far. I’m so proud of this cookie beast and cannot wait for you to begin baking from it and dog-earring your fave recipes.

There are 75 cookie recipes total, 70 of them exclusive to this cookbook (you can’t find them on my blog!). Like my favorite recipe for crispy chocolate chip cookies. 🙂

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

Guess what?! I extended my pre-order special bonus gift— remember that from this past spring? Here’s the deal: if you have already pre-ordered Sally’s Cookie Addiction or pre-order soon, I will send you 5 bonus cookie recipes. These 5 cookie recipes are not available in Sally’s Cookie Addiction and are not available on my website. (Just so there’s no confusion!) These 5 bonus cookie recipes are only available in this bonus PDF. Like lemon burst cookies, thick chocolate chip cookies, rocky road cookies… YES!


  1. Please forward your pre-order receipt or proof of purchase to

  2. You will receive the PDF within 24 hours.

  3. You can download the PDF to save on your computer, phone, or tablet or you can print it out to take along with you in the kitchen.


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2 month countdown starts now!

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

Do you remember my favorite daily planner? I know I’ve posted about it before. My friend Hillary designs and sells them. I like using the 6-month planners. They’re pretty thick (even the 6 month ones!) because there’s a page for every single day. Plus extra pages for goals, lists, you name it. If you’re a daily planner faaaa-reak like yours truly, definitely pick one up. And you can get 15% off your order at her shop (Sherbert Shop!) using the code sally15 now through Tuesday July 18th!

I love this design so much.

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

Ok and now the REAL reason you’re here. The dogs, obviously.

Wait, right?!

They’re good! Jude’s been acting all sorts of protective these days– more than usual. He totally senses there’s a big change on the horizon. He doesn’t leave my side, as I’m sure you’ve seen in my Facebook LIVE videos. He’s very clingy! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Franklin’s a little clueless, but at least he looks mighty handsome in his 4th of July bow tie.

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

And I know I told you this the other week, but… we’re those people. Meaning, we bought a kiddie pool for the pups. But I actually use it the most, soaking my feet and ankles when I’m sitting outside. They love it– mostly just splashing around, “digging,” and drinking the water. Keeping them cool in style!

Also, don’t you love the mermaid on the side?!

re walking into an oven when you step outside Coffee Break

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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