June Baking Challenge

 If you plan to make a lot of cherry desserts this summer  June Baking Challenge

Yesterday was the pits. Meaning… I pitted a bazillion cherries. Thankfully I recently bought a cherry pitter to make summer baking 50x easier. If you plan to make a lot of cherry desserts this summer (hint hint: you will), definitely go grab one.

But besides that… guess what?! We’re already halfway through the workweek! And tomorrow is June 1st, so you know what that means: June Baking Challenge is upon us. 🙂

Let’s rewind in case you have no idea what I’m talking about.

What is the Baking Challenge?

  • On the 1st of every month, I post a new recipe complete with a quick how-to video, plenty of tips, tricks, and photos.

  • I want you to bake the recipe yourself during that month! Come back and tell me how it went.

  • If you’d like, share your photos throughout the month using #sallysbakingchallenge on Instagram or email me, tweet me, or upload a photo of your recipe to my Facebook page. I want you all involved!

  • If you don’t like a particular flavor in that month’s recipe, there is an alternate Monthly Baking Challenge recipe.

Let’s Recap May

Recipe: Strawberries ‘n’ Cream Cake Roll

For the month of May, we focused on a new type of cake. Actually, two new types of cake. We haven’t explored cake rolls very much on my website, nor have we ever discussed sponge cake. I wanted to combine both to really give you something unique to try out in May. The result? Your inspiring pieces of cake art! Browsing through the hashtag on Instagram, I see dozens of this rolled beauty. Some with whipped cream on top, beautiful piped rosed on top, others have loads of strawberries– even some without the strawberry frosting and whipped cream in the center instead. This is one of the most beautiful desserts I’ve ever created and I’m so happy to see that many of you tried the recipe out as well.

Check out all the photos using #sallysbakingchallenge hashtag on Instagram. And here’s a bunch that are either there, sent to me, or posted on my Facebook page:

 If you plan to make a lot of cherry desserts this summer  June Baking Challenge

Hypnotizing cake rolls! I love it all so much.

June Baking Challenge

Now let’s chat about June’s recipe. I’ve had this recipe in mind for months! Let’s kick off summer with a super fun, swirly twirly, blueberry lemon no-bake treat. Now, this isn’t really a *challenging* recipe but the challenge is this: have you ever made icebox cake before? Yes? No? Maybe? It’s unique, for sure. I posted a recipe for one last summer, but the June Baking Challenge icebox cake will be much different. I’ll publish the recipe on my blog tomorrow where I’ll walk you through the process with plenty of step-by-step pictures so you feel confident making this summertime treat at home. ALSO!!! I’ll be making it on Facebook Live tomorrow at 2pm ET just in case step-by-step photos aren’t enough. I know I’m a super visual learner and video tutorials always help me out!


If you want to be prepared, here are the items you need.

  1. 9×5 inch loaf pan

  2. electric mixer

  3. a freezer

 If you plan to make a lot of cherry desserts this summer  June Baking Challenge

 Come back tomorrow for the recipe, tutorial, and the alternate June recipe. See you soon!

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