Monthly Baking Challenge

 I talked about this at length at the start of the year Monthly Baking Challenge

2017 is the year of new beginnings. I’ve been blogging for 5 years now, cookbook #3 is on its way, and I’m ready to completely shake things up. I talked about this at length at the start of the year, but work/life balance is on the forefront of my mind in 2017. Going through the same routine, week after week, is monotonous. To stay inspired and continue to *thrive* while similtaneously bringing you my best possible recipes, photography, and content– I’m not only giving myself more breaks, I’m embracing new and different approaches to SBA.

Today is the start of a new project where we can all, as a group eager to learn and bake, come together and do what we enjoy most. And why we are all here: BAKING.

Welcome to my Monthly Baking Challenge.

 I talked about this at length at the start of the year Monthly Baking Challenge

What You Need to Know:

  • On the 1st of every month, I will post a new recipe complete with a quick how-to video, plenty of tips, tricks, and photos.

  • I want you to bake the recipe yourself during that month! Come back and tell me how it went.

  • If you’d like, share your photos throughout the month using #sallysbakingchallenge on Instagram or email me, tweet me, or upload a photo of your recipe to my Facebook page. I want you all involved!

4 More Things:

  • The carefully chosen recipe will be seasonal based on the time of year.

  • The recipes will be approachable, while still being a little challenging so you can *learn* a new technique or method.

  • If you don’t like a particular flavor in that month’s recipe, there will be an alternate Monthly Baking Challenge recipe.

Hopefully I can work in fun giveaways each month to correspond with the Baking Challenge. 🙂 And, of course, I will still be posting new recipes each week along with coffee breaks and Saturday Sevens. Nothing is changing there! But the recipe published on the 1st will be that month’s challenge recipe.

February is the first month and the February Baking Challenge recipe is coming TOMORROW!! Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

*The pictured sprinkle cookie dough has nothing to do with tomorrow’s 1st Monthly Baking Challenge recipe. It’s just.. delicious. And pretty.

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