Coffee Break

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

(Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange.)

Hi and happy Monday! Wanted to begin this week chatting about real life things ‘n’ stuff. First, how was your weekend? What did you do? But actually, what did you bake? I just arrived home from Napa on Friday and spent the weekend catching up on work and dog sitting. Isn’t Mason the cutest? He’s such a sweetie and so well behaved. More on pups below!

I was in Napa for a trip with Panasonic. They recently released a countertop induction oven. I don’t have one (yet) but from all the foods I tasted coming out of this nifty thing, I’m seriously impressed. I thought it was pretty fantastic for quick one pan meals and apps. The oven’s interior circulates the flavors released by the foods, making everything even more tasty. There’s not a lot of room for that flavorful air to move– except back into the food!

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Kevin joined me on the trip and we spent our free time exploring. Neither of us have been to Napa before, so we took full advantage of our whirlwind trip. I cannot wait to go back, stay longer, and soak it all up. I’ll share more pictures on my photography blog this week. šŸ™‚

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Let’s talk about baking stuff! Had a craving and an extra bag of pretzels this weekend, so I whipped up another batch of these butterscotch pretzel chocolate chip cookies. Somehow it’s been 4 years since I made them and that’s 3 years, 11 months, and 30ish days too long.

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Also what are your thoughts on making pie week an annual party? I had so much fun creating 5 new pie recipes for the Thanksgiving holiday and, to be honest, I have about 300 more pie recipe ideas. Speaking of recipe ideas, I’m finalizing my Sally’s Cookie Addiction table of contents. (My 3rd cookbook will be out next Fall!) I began writing and shooting the book a few months ago, but the table of contents is always a working piece– constantly evolving as I test recipes and figure out what works/what doesn’t. Do you have any cookie recipe requests?

Tomorrow I’m sharing a new Thanksgiving stuffing recipe in partnership with McCormick. McCormick is also supplying goodies for all of you attending my baking classes in the Chicago area this weekend! I’ll also have some Diamond of California nuts for you, as well as autographed cookbooks. Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket to my hands-on classes. My assistant, Hilari, will be joining me so you can all meet her too. We’ll have a blast! If you want to attend the America’s Sweets and Baking Show, you can purchase a ticket here. While my classes are sold out, you can see me on the main stage doing a cooking demo on Sunday morning.

I’m looking forward to spending time in downtown Chicago too. It’s one of my fave places!

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

We’re hosting a Friendsgiving party this year! Like Thanksgiving, but with a group of friends. It’s potluck style, so everyone will be bringing a dish. So far here’s what I’ll be making for it:

That’s obviously too much. Do you throw or attend Friendsgivings?

Also, I’m in the market for a large, 7-quart slow cooker. The one we own now is perfect for a small gathering, but I also want one a little larger for when we have a lot of company. Any suggestions?

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Pup update! So Jude has been back to his normal self after being a little sore earlier this Fall. He just needs to take it easy these days as he can’t quite keep up with baby Franklin. These two are so entertaining; I don’t know how I get any work done. We took them to a Halloween party and they socialized more than any human. Then fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the crowd. Yes, they were literally roadblocks in between the crowd of people. And Franklin was snoring, as usual. Franklin is 50+ pounds these days, growing every day. He knows sit, down, shake, and returns the ball after he fetches it. Right now we are working on his leash-pulling when he’s being walked. He’s actually learned a lot from Jude; it’s quite interesting. After running around and acting rambunctious, Franklin will see Jude laying down being his usual mellow self– then walk on over and lay down next to him.

We dog-sat Mason this weekend, our friends’ pup. He’s Jude and Franklin’s best buddy, a pit/terrier mix rescue, who loves to burrow under the covers and never get out of bed. He’ll lay his head right on your lap when you’re on the couch. Yes, we’re those people who let pets on the couch. I know you’re all the same too! We’re a baking and pet addict community here on SBA.

Never underestimate the power of chocolate and orange Coffee Break

Items I love/Make wonderful gifts:

That’s all for today. Meet you here tomorrow!

Some of the links above are affiliate links, which pays me a small commission for my referral at no extra cost to you! Thank you for supporting Sally’s Baking Addiction.

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