Spanish Tomato Bread

Are you ready for an embarrassingly easy breakfast idea? I mean honestly, you don’t even need a recipe for this, but I’m giving it to you anyway. Mostly I just want to introduce to you this popular Spanish breakfast. It involves bread, olive oil, garlic, and a tomato. Maybe just a pinch of salt. You can’t go wrong there. You can toast the bread, or leave it plain, your choice. You rub the bread with a piece of garlic. Then you cut a tomato in half and rub its juices over the piece of bread. Top if off with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and some salt if you are feeling it and you’ve got yourself a breakfast from Spain. You can get fancy and top it with a little cheese, ham, or sausage if you want to get crazy, or just enjoy it in all its simplicity.

I told you it was easy! Now you have yourself an entirely new breakfast idea! 

Time to Make It: <5 minutes

Yield: 4 slices


4 slices bread (preferably artisan bread)

1 large clove garlic, peeled and halved

1 tomato, halved

extra virgin olive oil

pinch saltInstructions

1. (Optional) toast the bread.

2. Rub the cut side of the garlic clove across the bread to give it a hint of garlic flavor.

3. Rub the cut side of the tomato over the bread slices, squeezing the juices out over the bread.

4. Drizzle with olive oil and dust with a pinch of salt.



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