Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with melted chocolate chips for an extra double dosed hit of chocolate!

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Why hello Chocolate lovers. It’s nice to see you again.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

This is me when I can’t decide between blueberries and raspberries for brownies: Throw them both in; call it Mixed Berry; and hope for the best.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

And it worked. My son who usually stays away from anything containing fruit was mesmerised by these brownies and blinded by all the chocolate-ness — he had no idea the berries were existent.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Of course, mentioning the Nutella may have had something to do with it —> but I’ll take it.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Super easy to make…I used the Candy Cane Fudge Brownies mix; experimented a little; added Nutella; subtracted the Candy Canes; played around with some other ingredients until the batter tasted so good it (and I) was lucky it made it into the oven.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

True story.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Then I invited the baking expert over to taste test with me…my mum.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

I guess the fact she had four in one hit was a sign that all was good in my kitchen.

Because she didn’t really say anything while downing these brownies. No matter how much I hovered, ‘A-hem’d,’ and circled around her.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

So, dusting them with icing sugar accidentally on purpose, these brownies have now become a fast family favourite.

Bursting with berries and melted chocolate…with the beautiful hint of Nutella, really — these can’t go wrong for anyone.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Especially when Nutella is involved.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

I made two batches of these — one with Nutella and one with Hazelnut Cacao Spread (for my healthier followers); and both turned out absolutely beautiful.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

Add in some Hazelnuts for extra Nutella-ness and tell me all about it later.

Sweet blueberries and tart raspberries baked into a chocolate Nutella brownie filled with  Mixed Berry Nutella Brownies

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